SKOPJE CALLING FESTIVAL with a new date- 12.09.2020, ARM Stadium
Dear friends,
With great hope and optimism that our planet will get back to its normal tempo, we would like to inform you that due to the current coronavirus situation, we decided not to take any risks and reschedule our festival SKOPJE CALLING from its original date June 5th to September 12th, at the same location, ARM stadium.
VINI VICI, MAHMUT ORHAN, KIRIL DJAIKOVSKI, MAURICE WEST and CYRILLIC, as well as their respective managements, share the same opinion, which is exactly why they have all confirmed their presence on September 12th.
Despite the erratic nature of the situation, the safety and health of our audience, artists, and all people involved in the realization of the festival remains our greatest priority.
Already bought tickets will remain valid for the new date.
In the meantime, stay healthy and listen to the recommendations of the authorities. Stay home and prepare for yet another unforgettable summer with Avalon in Macedonia!
Avalon Production
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