Dear Friends,
We know that the “Avalon” ride looks like the one of Alice in Wonderland, but sometimes some things simply come like that.
In the name of that, it is our greatest pleasure to announce another one of the biggest names right now!
As part of his european tour presenting the newest album “Raise Vibration” , LENNY KRAVITZ is having a show in Skopje on May 3th in VIP ARENA.
Of all the countries in the region, Skopje & Sofia are the only cities where fans will get the chance to see the incredible show of Lenny Kravitz in indoor ambience.
For the exclusivity of the Skopje show, it is enough to say that this tour does not include cities such as Belgrade, Zagreb and Athens.
После последниот албум „Strut“ кој што беше навистина извонреден, никој не очекуваше дека Lenny повторно ќе има одличен албум, но сепак информациите што доаѓаат се такви што „Raise Vibration“ е на ниво на неговите најдобри албуми досега, а хитот „Low“ им е веќе добро познат на сите.
Концертите на Lenny Kravitz влегуваат во оние настани што се MUST SEE BEFORE YOU DIE, бидејќи претставуваат врв во концертната лајв индустрија.
After the last album "Strut", which was truly remarkable, no one expected Lenny to have a great album again, but the information coming is that "Raise Vibration" is at the level of his best albums so far, and the hit "Low" is already well known to everyone.
„American Woman“, „Are You Gonna Go My Way“, „Believe“, „Fly Away“, „Again“, „Let Love Rule“, „Chamber“, are just some of the hits we will get a chance to listen to in person in Skopje, in the VIP Arena with capacity as low as 8000.
IMPORTANT: The tickets for the Lenny Kravitz concert are already on sale online exclusively through the new ticket system of Avalon Productions,, and also through the sales network that you can find within the site.
Avalon Production